Wednesday, December 10, 2008

summer = christmas

it's summer!!!! really. proof, you say? here it is:

(peaches, nectarines, apricots, strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blueberries)

the warm weather heralds sale of these luscious summer fruits in the supermarkets. got these goodies at coles yesterday.

it takes a bit of getting used to, reconciling heat and sunshine with the christmas season. but yeah, it is almost christmas. i already made my wishlist. (it's on the fridge, i hope my husband reads this. lol.)

seriously though, i must've been a really good girl. santa brought my present two months early. and the best things come in small packages.


  1. Ziggy said...

    so that's why you asked if I checked your blog

    hmmmm let me see...

    where am i suppose hunt tartine et chocolat? this sounds impossible love. no shop in melbourne sells this part of france.

    twilight series? well... read this first:

    too lazy to make a link :)

  2. lei said...

    i actually saw ptisenbon being sold online... go google. or was that an excuse?