Monday, April 07, 2008

the cause larger than myself

test #1
03 april 2008, 12:oo noon, AEDST
brand: Clearblue Easy Digital Home Pregnancy Kit
claim: over 99% accurate on day of missed period

test 2
03 april 2008, 2:00pm, AEDST
brand: Confirm
claim: greater than 99% accuracy, test anytime of the day

test 3

03 april 2008, 8:00pm AEDST
brand: Confirm
claim: greater than 99% accuracy, test anytime of the day

test 4
04 april 2008, 8:00am, AEDST
brand: Clearblue Easy Digital Home Pregnancy Kit
claim: over 99% accurate on day of missed period

04 april 2008, 12:15pm AEDST
i was sitting in the waiting room of my obgyn's clinic, anxious.

1:30pm AEDST
i was in dorevich pathology laboratory having blood drawn out of my left arm
was assured that test results will be coming in before 5pm.

4:30pm AEDST
lianne from my doctor's clinic called to tell us that results will be in first thing monday morning


test 5
06 april 2008, 8:00pm AEST
brand: ForeLife Ultra Plus Early Pregnancy Test
claim: has a sensitivity level as low as 10mIU/ml

test 6

07 april 2008, 7:00am AEST
brand: ForeLife Ultra Plus Early Pregnancy Test
claim: has a sensitivity level as low as 10mIU/ml


07 april 2008, 9:28am AEST
spoke to lianne
confirmed positive.


  1. sunnywithcoffee said...

    OMG! Congratulations Lei!

    Exciting!Exciting! :)

  2. lei said...

    thanks!! =) who you ms. ramblstiltskin? sorry ha.

  3. Anonymous said...

    hooray for mini-baskys and mini-leis! :D hahahaha


  4. lei said...

    wench! *kaway kaway*